Microsoft Teams User Guide


This DEX Pack offers detailed evaluation of Microsoft Teams (Teams) in terms of resource consumption, faults, and version analysis.

Performance Summary

Gain insight into Teams resource consumption by group, individual system, and version.

Version Analysis

Gather insight into fault data by version of Teams.

Performance Summary

Microsoft Teams Stats Overview

Select by Group, Client Type, and OS Type to filter views of data. All data is averaged over the last 90 days, except for the resource trends chart which is 30 days.

Teams Resource Consumption for Selected Group

From the selected group in the Teams Stats Overview, this table displays resource consumption by active hours, active memory, CPU usage, and other criteria.

Resource Consumption by Group

Discover which groups are affected by Teams consumption of resources in terms of Active Hours, Active Memory, Average CPU, and other criteria.

Resource Consumption by Version

This table highlights which version of Teams is consuming the most resources to determine if upgrades are necessary to maximize usability, enhance user experience, and minimize waste.

Resource Consumption Trends

Select a Resource to View over the last 30 days. A red dot indicates the first use of a recent version. Selecting a specific day on the graph will fill in details in the Teams Resource Usage for Selected Day table.

Version Analysis

Microsoft Teams Stats Overview

Select the Group, Client Type, and OS Type to filter data in the Dashboard. This overview will display the Best Performing Version and the number of Users on Best Performing Version based on these selections.

Teams Version Details

This table details Teams usage for all users over the last 90 days.

  • System Count is how many systems are using a particular version of Teams.

  • User Count shows the total number of users who have focused on Teams in the past 90 days.

  • Fault Rank ranks the frequency of Teams faults. The more times the app faults, the higher the rank will be (minimum “1”).

  • App Rank determines the “best” Teams version based on the resource usage and fault statistics compared to the other versions in the list. Versions with a user count of less than 5% of the total users are excluded.

Note: Use the Min. % Total Users for App Rank slider to adjust the minimum user count for excluded versions. The default is 5% to give a more accurate view of version distribution and faults.

Teams Version Distributions

This pie chart shows the distribution the User distribution for the selected Group. The Group is selected in the Microsoft Teams Stats Overview pane.

System and Users Using Selected Version

This table displays data pertaining to the version selected in Teams Version Details. Click on the arrow of a system to show specific users.

Fault Details

This table shows the fault details based on the filters chosen in the Microsoft Teams Stats Overview. Click on the arrow of a selected version for details on each fault.